Written By: Alexis Muthoga Dec 17, 2023

LaRussell, a bay area rapper from Vallejo, CA has built a strong community, reaching 1 Million as of December 17, 2023. His rapid growth is all accredited to his passion for creating music. What makes this accomplishment particularly impressive is that Larussell has never been signed to a label, but rather built everything he’s created on his own having a fully independant blueprint. This includes his team Tietta, Splash, Bgigz, Yesieon, and Mili who have supported his vision which is why he has been able to fully market himself through his own social media platform as he stated, “social media is easy cause if you let life give it to you your never out of content, … for today a n*gga remembers you’re alive and that keeps your brand building” [@Larussell]. (2023, December 14) overthings leads to underdoing, let life give it to you. LaRussell’s music has touched many, as he works to reshape the music industry producing music that is about real life. His lyricism is unique to his own experiences growing up, LaRussell speaks to a wide range of themes in his music from systematic racism and corruption to personal growth and self-realizations. Along his journey LaRussell has made sure to keep his community close to his heart, making intentional efforts to include Vallejo in his rise. LaRusell proudly represents his home promoting small businesses in his videos and shouting out his community in much of his music. LaRusell will continue to grow and make strides in his community impacting and inspiring others along the way.